Due to an alarming increase of dengue cases in the city, the City Health Office in coordination with CMO BCCAD called for an orientation regarding the City Ordinance entitled “Strengthening and Institutionalizing the Davao City Mosquito Borne Disease Protection and Control Program”, last October 5, 2023.
Highlights of the Event:
• Presentation of the new Ordinance entitled an “Ordinance Strengthening and Institutionalizing the Davao City Mosquito-Borne Diseases Prevention and Control Program”.
• Role of the barangay and its official in the eradication and decrease of mosquito borne diseases mortality.
• The need for the creation of the Barangay Mosquito Borne Diseases Task Force and its component.
• Presentation of the Davao City Dengue status from January to September 2023, wherein it was shown that there is an alarming increase of dengue cases in the city.
• Dengue hot spot barangays.
The said event is the first part of the many orientations, seminars and community empowerment that the city, through the City Health Office, will conduct in order to fight and eventually eradicate mosquito borne diseases in the city.